What is Joy of the Lord (JOTL)?

Thank you for logging into Joy of the Lord Ministries (JOTL) website to take a peek at what we are about. When people venture to a website that is recovery based it is our experience that you may be hurting from the ravages of an addictive lifestyle. Or you may have a friend or a loved one that is suffering from any sort of addictive/compulsive behavior that is making their life unmanageable (and probably yours also). We have ‘been there and done that’ and God has specially prepared us to share the hope of a new life which is based on what we call G.O.D., an acronym standing for the gift of despair. At JOTL most of our ‘members’ participate in outside 12 step meetings and the JOTL fellowship is not intended to be the sole source of our recovery.  
If our weekly meeting and fellowship is not exactly what you are looking for we have a vast array of resources; we have been in service to the Lord since February of 1991. Hopefully we can point you in a direction to get you back on track to experience life the way God intended life to be. 
What a great bumper sticker that reads, “God allows U­turns”!  
The hope is that if you are in recovery and are in search of the great ‘anonymous’ God of the rooms of recovery we can surely help you out. If you are a member of a church body, or are ‘in Christ’ already or any other type of community of faith or spiritual search we can help you out also. One of our specialties if you will is to help those in church leadership positions to understand what is going on in the ‘secular’ 12 step recovery world. This is a mystery to many who have committed their lives to serving God and we can help you understand if a ‘program’ might be right for your particular congregation. I have counseled with pastors, ministers (or whatever your title may be) or regular folks who are baffled beyond measure at the behaviors and attitudes of those in need of recovery, and it defies their spiritual logic. It is supposed to! That is why God has us around.
Please contact us and we will be prompt to respond to you, or better yet if you are in the South Bay on a Monday night come and visit with us and hopefully you to can begin to experience that the Joy of the Lord is your strength!
Don Zonic
Founder and Director

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